Today I am happy to announce that I’ve added the HTML5 badge to my list of certifications from DoubleClick. DoubleClick Studio Certification is awarded to creative agencies that prove their expertise in building ad formats for the DoubleClick platform, and today I’ve officially added HTML5 to the list of my certification badges.
So what does this mean for you?
We’ve noticed that the demand for HTML5 banners is growing rapidly as we move towards more mobile orientated online activity, to the point where over the last year the percentage of HTML5 banners we’ve been producing has grown from 10% to over 50%. We’re fully committed to growing our expertise in HTML5 to match our expertise in Flash display advertising.
We have been building HTML5 banners for the DoubleClick ad serving platform for a while now. Adding the HTML5 badge to our Studio certification simply means that you can be assured that we have the expertise to build high quality rich media ads in Studio that function as intended when displayed by the DoubleClick ad server.
We are also experts in the Celtra platform, which we love, but we know that for some media agencies and publishing sites that Doubleclick is the preferred platform.
What can we do
We can create HTML5 banners that you can be assured will display across desktop and mobile seamlessly. We can create in-page, Interstitial, or expanding creatives for in-app advertising, providing a customised full-screen ad experience to your target audience. From video production and editing, to custom javascript coding for games, we have all the skills needed to create feature rich, interactive banner ads. We can use dynamic data such as screen orientation, location, time of day, and even weather data to customise your ad on a case by case basis.
How do we do it
For DoubleClick HTML5 banners, we use Googles own authoring software Google Web Designer. Fully integrated with DoubleClick Studio GWD lets you publish your ad directly to your Studio Account, and is the software recommended by DoubleClick for production.
What’s next?
Glad you asked. Next on our list is the QA certification badge. That will be a big one for us, as it will mean that we will be able to QA our own creatives for clients, without relying on DoubleClick’s QA process, (which can take more than 24 hours). Once we’ve updated our DoubleClick qualifications with this new badge we’ll be offering our clients the option of having us perform QA on all rich creatives, meaning a quicker turn-around and full control on the process from design to media agency. Watch this space!
If you have a display advertising campaign coming up get in touch, we’ll love to talk about how we can help you make the most of it.